Class 4-A2 - 1st Semester - Week 11


□1. READING STREET 3.2 - Statue of Liberty
□3.         Day off for Saturday's Sports Day                                          

□1. READING STREET 3.2 - Statue of Liberty
□4. Vocabulary / Sentences - write Vocab 3x Chinese, definition, and sentence in your B writing-book 
  steel, workshop, celebration, gleaming, copper, iron, energy, voyage, crate                                

□1.  READING STREET 3.2 - Statue of Liberty
□2. Science - Life Cycles - Concepts
□3.  Vocabulary / Sentences - write Vocab 3x Chinese, definition, and sentence in your B writing-book
interest, base, pedestal, include, belong, glory, immigrant, hope
□5.  Experience Class - Food Chains 

□1.   READING STREET 3.2 - Statue of Liberty
□2.   Online Assignments - Reading / Test
□4.  Vocabulary / Sentences - write Vocab 3x Chinese, definition, and sentence in your B writing-book
truly, human rights, decade, reason, homeland, nation, recently, escape

□1.  READING STREET 3.2 - Statue of Liberty
□3.   Unit Test
□5.  Voice Record at least 3 pages from this weeks Reading Street Story     
           and email the file to

Week 11 Vocabulary – Short Definitions

               Story: The Story of the Statue of Liberty

(1) steel (n): a hard metal used to make many things; iron    

      with a little carbon

2) workshop (n): a small establishment where manufacturing or handicrafts are carried on

3) celebration (n): to mark (something, such as an anniversary) by festivities or other deviation from routine

4) gleaming (adj/v): to shine with or as if with subdued steady light or moderate brightness

5) copper (n): an element used to make sheets and wires used to conduct electricity

6) iron (n): a silver-white magnetic heavy metal

7) energy (n): the ability to do work, make something move, or change in a way.

8) voyage (n): an act or instance of traveling

9) crate (n): an open box typically of wooden slats or latticed plastic and used for transporting and storing goods

10) interest (n): a quality in a thing or person arousing interest

11) base (n): the bottom of something considered as its support

12) pedestal (n): the base of an upright structure

13) include (v): to contain between or within

14) belong (v): to be in a proper situation

15) glory (n): great beauty and splendor

16) immigrant (n): a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence

17) hope (n): to cherish a desire with anticipationto want something to happen or be true

18) truly (adv): with exactness of construction or operation

19) human rights (phr): rights regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons

20) decade (n): a period of 10 years

21) reason (n): a statement offered in explanation or justification

22) homeland (n): native land

23) nation (n): a country

24) recently (adv): during a recent period of time

25) escape (v): to get away (as by flight)


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