Class 4-A2 - 1st Semester - Week 9


□1. READING STREET 3.2 - Good-bye 382 Shin Dang Dong
□3.  READING STREET NOTEBOOK -  345                                                
□4.  Vocabulary / Sentences - write Vocab 3x Chinese, definition, and sentence in your B writing-book
 pastel, traditional, celebrate, ripple, sneak, glum, perk up, instruct, pull away

□1. READING STREET 3.2 - Good-bye 382 Shin Dang Dong
□4. Vocabulary / Sentences - write Vocab 3x Chinese, definition, and sentence in your B writing-book 
   streak, separate, shrug, row house, attach, radiator, peculiar, foggy, highway                          

□1.  READING STREET 3.2 - Good-bye 382 Shin Dang Dong
□2. Science - Gravity - Concepts
□3.   Vocabulary / Sentences - write Vocab 3x Chinese, definition, and sentence in your B writing-book
shingle, mover, cushion, waltz, casserole, adopt, guest
□5.  Experience Class - Halloween

□1.   READING STREET 3.2 - Good-bye 382 Shin Dang Dong
□4.   Online Assignments 

□1.  READING STREET 3.2 - Good-bye 382 Shin Dang Dong
□3.   Unit Test
□5.  Voice Record at least 3 pages from this weeks Reading Street Story     
           and email the file to

  1. pastel (n): a paste made of ground color and used for making crayons
  2. traditional (adj): handed down from age to age
  3. celebrate (v):  to observe a holiday, perform a religious ceremony, or take part in a festival
  4. ripple (v): to flow in small waves
  5. sneak (v): to go stealthily or furtively
  6. glum (adj): dreary
  7. perk up (v phr): to be lifted in a quick and alert way
  8. instruct (v): to give knowledge to: to give an order or command to
  9. pull away (v phr): to move off or ahead
  10. streak (v): a line or mark of a different color or texture from the ground
  11. separate (v): to set or keep apart.
  12. shrug (v): to raise or draw in the shoulders especially to express aloofness, indifference, or uncertainty
  13. row house (n): one of a series of houses connected by common sidewalls and forming a continuous group.
  14. attach (v): to bind by personal ties (as of affection or sympathy)
  15. radiator (n): any of various devices (such as a series of pipes or tubes) for transferring heat from a fluid within to an area or object outside
  16. peculiar (adj): different from the usual or normal
  17. foggy (adj): filled or abounding with fog
  18. highway (n): a main direct road
  19. shingle (n):  a small thin piece of building material often with one end thicker than the other for laying in overlapping rows as a covering for the roof or sides of a building
  20. mover (n): one that moves or sets something in motion
  21. cushion (n): a soft pillow or pad usually used for sitting, reclining, or kneeling
  22. waltz (v): a ballroom dance in ³/₄ time with strong accent on the first beat and a basic pattern of step-step-close
  23. casserole (n): a dish, often deep and covered, in which food can be baked and served; the food baked in such a dish.
  24. adopt (v): to take by choice into a relationship: to take up and practice or use
  25. guest (v): a person entertained in one's house


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