Class 4-A2 - 2nd Semester - Week 8


□1. READING STREET 4.1 - The Horned Toad Prince Unit 1 p110 
□3.    Extended long-weekend holiday    

□1. READING STREET 4.1 - The Horned Toad Prince Unit 1 p110 
□3.   Extended long-weekend holiday 

□1   READING STREET 4.1 - The Horned Toad Prince Unit 1 p110 
□3.    Extended long-weekend holiday    

□1.  READING STREET 4.1 - The Horned Toad Prince Unit 1 p110 
□2.  Vocabulary / Sentences 1 - 12
□3.   write   Vocab words 3x Chinese, definition, and sentence in your A writing-book
□5.   READING STREET 4.1 -  Online Assignments 

□1. READING STREET 4.1 - The Horned Toad Prince Unit 1 p110 
□3. Vocabulary / Sentences  13 - 25
write   Vocab words 3x Chinese, definition, and sentence in your A writing-book
□4. Spelling Quiz on Tuesday
□5.  Voice Record at least 3 pages from this weeks Reading Street Story
and email the file to

We made a bargain to share the bicycle.

Please do me a favor and stop at the store on your way home.

The cowgirl lassoed the calf with her own rope at the rodeo.

He was offended when I said I didn’t like his outfit.

On a prairie there are no tall trees to block your view.

There hadn’t been rain in ages and the riverbed was dry.

The audience went wild and shrieked with laughter.

After 2 hours of waiting the train finally arrived at the station.

Michael Jordan won Rookie of the Year for his first NBA season with the Chicago Bulls.

We usually eat breakfast on the balcony in summer.

There are 488 calories in a Snickers candy bar.

We watched the new Avatar - Way of Water movie at the theater in 3D. 

Ice hockey is Canada's national winter sport. 

We are making slow but steady progress hiking up the mountain.

Bees make honey from the nectar of flowers.

Taiwan is a country, not a province of China.

A collie is a large dog breed that has long hair.

The boys ran down the alley between those two buildings.

The valley between the mountains was ten miles wide.

I need to find some water, I am so thirsty and my water bottle is empty.

It is easy to fly our kite on this breezy day.

We rode the north bound trolley on State St. in San Francisco.

I need to find an ATM and withdraw some money. 

Taipei is the capital city of Taiwan.

A jury of 12 people will be selected for the court trial of the murder suspect.


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